Volunteer   Barrie 
Mill Creek Care Centre, Long Term Care Facility
286 Hurst Drive, Barrie

We are looking for volunteers to assist with special events with the programs department, taking residents outside, delivering internal mail and various independent programs with residents.

Woods Park Community Volunteer   Barrie 
Woods Park Care Centre, Barrie, Long Term Care Home
Woods Park Care Centre, 110 Lillian Cres., Barrie

Volunteers can assist with a variety of programs and activities including: 

  • One-on-One Friendly Visiting 
  • Gardening 
  • Holiday Celebrations and Special Events 
  • Outings  
  • Card playing, Bingo and other games 
  • Entertainment 
  • Hairdressing & Wellness Assistance 
  • Escorting Residents to in house appointments 
  • Dining Assistance
Various Opportunities   Barrie 
Camphill Communities Ontario, Barrie - Checkley St
Camphill Nottawasaga near Angus and Camphill Sophia Creek in Barrie

Two sites: Camphill Nottawasaga, near Angus and Camphill Sophia Creek in Barrie.

Camphill Sophia Creek (Barrie)

  • work in the mosaic studio
  • help with meal preparation in the Cafe
  • assist with recreational activities, music sessions and cultural outings, Bingo events and other special events such as Fall Fairs

Camphill Nottawasaga (Angus)

  • help with programs in woodworking, pottery, candlemaking, and bakery/meal preparation
  • can be involved in maple syrup production, working in the vegetable gardens and caring for livestock (Highland cows horses and goats)

Both locations need volunteers to help with set-up, cash management and take-down at our Farmers Markets

Peer Support Volunteer - In-Person and/or Virtual   Barrie 
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario [Central East], Barrie, Barrie Regional Office

Assisting persons with a new spinal cord injury by offering hope and encouragement through shared personal experiences.

Bench Warmer- Active Listener   Barrie 
CFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, MatureMinds
Barrie, Orillia, Bradford

Bench Warmers are friendly people who allow others to engage in conversation in either parks or malls. Studies show that loneliness has the same dire consequences on physical health as smoking a pack a day! Social connection is so needed (and often lost in the shuffle of busyness and technology) and MatureMinds Friendship Bench offers an opportunity for interaction and social engagement. The implementation is simple but the results are deep and  meaningful. Volunteers will receive training in active listening, self care, mental health awareness, and ageism. After successfully completing the training, volunteers become Bench Warmers. They sit on a bench either at a park or in a mall with a sign that says "If you want to talk, I want to listen." Be part of the cure for the loneliness epidemic! Become a Bench Warmer.

Compassionate Care Volunteer   Barrie 
Bob Rumball Home for the Deaf
1 Royal Parkside Drive, Barrie, Ontario

Compassionate care volunteers work one on one with individual clients to assist them with: 

  • eating, social and recreational activities
  • friendly visiting with individual clients
  • palliative care visiting to provide social interaction and support for clients approaching end of life
Friendly Visitor   Barrie 
Roberta Place
503 Essa Road Barrie (between Ferndale/Mapleton)

Visiting residents residing in long term care, one-on-one. This can include walking with residents inside and outside the facility.

GrandPal- Intergenerational Story Teller   Barrie 
CFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, MatureMinds

GrandPals are older adults (not necessarily Grandparents) who love children and want to make a difference for generations to come. GrandPals are trained in the stories they have to share over 5 weeks. After training, we connect GrandPals with a classroom where they meet with the same 2-4 students over a period of 8 weeks. The stories that GrandPals share about their own lives become part of the students' curriculum. Students capture the stories presented in written assignments as well as art projects.

GrandPal- Intergenerational Team member   Barrie 
CFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, MatureMinds
Barrie, Innisfil, Midland

Be part of a unique intergenerational initiative that connects generations through the power of storytelling. Volunteers will get 5 weeks of training and then will spend 8 weeks in an elementary school classroom sharing stories and building relationships. Volunteers must love children! 

Scrabble Club Social Connector   Barrie 
CFS Counselling + Wellbeing, Barrie - Anne St S, MatureMinds
20 Anne Street South, Barrie (CFS Counselling + Wellbeing office)

Are you a wordsmith who loves people? We are looking for older adult volunteers to help newcomers to Canada feel welcome. Help newcomers get socially connected and practice English by playing scrabble! An extensive vocabulary is not necessary (there are dictionaries for that :)) so if you are friendly and want to make a meaningful contribution by helping newcomers, this could be the club for you! Scrabble Club will last four weeks, allowing volutneers to build relationships with newcomers. 

Therapy Dog Handler   Barrie 
St John Ambulance, Barrie Simcoe Muskoka, First Aid Training
Simcoe County and Muskoka District - Various Locations

Volunteers visit seniors' centres, hospitals and schools with properly evaluated dogs, no less than 1 year old, providing residents and patients the companionship of a pet.

Volunteer Assistant   Barrie 
Busby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In Services

Frontline Roles:

  • Day, afternoon, evening shifts
  • Tasks: Helping with dishes, filling up the coffee station, general cleaning, making kits, preparing bed and take down

Bingo Roles:

  • Representing Busby at Delta Bingo
  • Cleaning tables and screens
  • Serving food

Student help:

  • With guardian assistance that has been certified, students can help by making sandwiches. 
Volunteer for our many projects such as Granting Wishes for Seniors, Christmas Bag of Love program, Memory book program, general good deeds for Senior   Barrie 
Senior Wish Association (Simcoe County), Mailing Address, Senior Wish Association
Barrie, Innisfil, Clearview Township area, Muskoka-Gravenhurst , Collingwood, Simcoe County

Help Senior Wish expand into Simcoe County to ensure that no senior is left isolated, alone and feeling like society has forgotten them. Help is especially needed to prepare for our Christmas Wish program starting in Sept.