Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Barrie Literacy Council

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Literacy Council, Barrie - Bradford St

Map RecordBarrie Literacy Council, Barrie - Bradford StBarrie Voice and Messages: 705-728-7323, Text Only: 705-817-3457 Help adults to improve their reading, writing, math and digital/computer skills, to use these skills in everyday living, to reach their own goals of employment, apprenticeship, further education or g ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Literacy Council, Literacy and Basic Skills, Barrie - Bradford St

Map RecordBarrie Literacy Council, Literacy and Basic Skills, Barrie - Bradford StBarrie Voice and Messages: 705-728-7323, Text Only: 705-817-3457 Literacy and Basic Skills training including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills * helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary ... [More]

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