Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for:

  • Organization / Program Name(s): Addiction Services
  • Organization: Canadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch
There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Barrie - 128 Anne St S, Addiction Services

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Barrie - 128 Anne St S, Addiction ServicesBarrie 705-726-5033 ext: 810, Addiction Intake Provides services to youth and adults, with substance abuse issues, and to concerned family members or friends, affected by the problem of alcohol, drug use or gambling * services include counselling ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Collingwood - 186 Erie St - Suite 101, Addiction Services

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Collingwood - 186 Erie St - Suite 101, Addiction ServicesCollingwood 705-726-5033 ext: 810, Addiction Intake ; Collingwood Office: 705-444-2558, no secretarial services, leave message on machine and counsellor will return call; Barrie Office: 705-726-5033 Provides services to youth and adults, with substance abuse issues, and to concerned family members or friends, affected by the problem of alcohol, drug use or gambling * services include counselling ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Midland, Addiction Services

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Midland, Addiction ServicesMidland 705-726-5033 ext: 810, Addiction Intake ; Midland Office: 705-526-0393, no secretarial service, leave message on answering machine and counsellor will return call; Youth Counsellor, dial ext 405; Barrie Office: 705-726-5033 Provides services to youth and adults, with substance abuse issues, and to concerned family members or friends, affected by the problem of alcohol, drug use or gambling * services include counselling ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Orillia - 50 Nottawasaga St, Addiction Services

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association. Simcoe County Branch, Orillia - 50 Nottawasaga St, Addiction ServicesOrillia 705-726-5033 ext: 810, Addiction Intake ; Orillia Office: 705-325-4499, Barrie Office: 705-726-5033 Provides services to youth and adults, with substance abuse issues, and to concerned family members or friends, affected by the problem of alcohol, drug use or gambling * services include counselling ... [More]

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