Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Cancer Detection

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Barrie - 125 Bell Farm Rd, Suite 200, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicBarrie 705-721-9554 Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Orillia, Mamaway Wiidokdaadwin ClinicOrillia 705-259-9520 Interdisciplinary primary health care team * provide holistic care incorporating Indigenous concepts of health and well-being * Traditional Healers, Registered Nurses, Registered Social Workers and a ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Endoscopy Clinic

Map RecordBarrie Endoscopy ClinicBarrie 705-797-1112 Endoscopy clinic to screen for colorectal cancer; colonoscopies and gastroscopies performed; must be referred by family physician

Map RecordCancer Care Ontario, Ontario Breast Screening Program

Map RecordCancer Care Ontario, Ontario Breast Screening ProgramToronto 1-800-668-9304, Breast Screening Appointments Provides breast cancer screening for eligible women, Two-Spirit, trans and nonbinary people aged 50-74 (no referral required) and recommends every two years for a screening. Women aged 30-69 (with re ... [More]

Map RecordLakeside Women's Clinic, Barrie

Map RecordLakeside Women's Clinic, BarrieBarrie 705-503-6700 Women's clinic providing medical terminations up to 10 weeks, IUD and Nexplanon services, PAP and STI testing, as well as birth control. Services provided in a confidential, supportive and judgement-f ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - 1st Floor, Ontario Breast Screening Program

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - 1st Floor, Ontario Breast Screening ProgramBarrie 705-739-5610, Mammography Line Breast screening for early detection of breast cancer in women * screening includes mammography (x-rays of breast tissue) * screening results are sent to both the women and her doctor * women who rec ... [More]

Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Telephone Service, Simcoe Muskoka Cancer Screening Hotline

 Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Telephone Service, Simcoe Muskoka Cancer Screening HotlineBarrie   The Simcoe Muskoka Cancer Screening Hotline is a free telephone only service that helps you get up-to-date with your colorectal, cervical and breast cancer screening * call 1-866-608-6910 to find out ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.