Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

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There are 66 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordAm Shalom Synagogue, Barrie, Meeting Facilities

Map RecordAm Shalom Synagogue, Barrie, Meeting FacilitiesBarrie 705-792-3949 Sanctuary/Main Hall, full commercial kitchen and meeting rooms available * Sanctuary/Main Hall has a built-in speaker system appropriate for concerts, weddings, lectures and other special events * me ... [More]

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Barrie, Barrie Unit 365 - Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall at Barrie

Map RecordArmy, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Barrie, Barrie Unit 365 - Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall at BarrieBarrie 705-728-6224 * Bookings available from 50 to 100 people * sound system and AV system available * free parking  * fully liquor license * no storage space available

Map RecordBarrie Country Club, Banquet Facilities

Map RecordBarrie Country Club, Banquet FacilitiesSpringwater 705-728-4802 BANQUET FACILITY accommodates up to 250 people and is fully licensed, has a podium and dance floor * club provides catering * available for business meetings, corporate galas, weddings and other even ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Curling Club, Banquet Hall, Meeting Rooms and Trade Show Facilities

Map RecordBarrie Curling Club, Banquet Hall, Meeting Rooms and Trade Show FacilitiesBarrie 705-726-1351 Ext 21 Facility available to rent to outside groups * LOUNGE AREA capacity 200 * ICE FLOOR SURFACE capacity 1040, capacity could be greater depending on use (such as trade show with no liquor) * smaller mee ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield StBarrie 705-721-7689 Works to improve the lives of urban-Indigenous individuals and families through a variety of culturally relevant programs and services * Programs span all stages of the life cycle and operate in a pe ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin Program

Map RecordBarrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Wasa-Nabin ProgramBarrie 705-721-7689, Ext 243 Wasa-Nabin (Ojibway meaning 'To Look Ahead') Program is designed to provide comprehensive services to urban Aboriginal at-risk youth between the ages of 13-18 with the support, tools and healthy activ ... [More]

Barrie Public Library, Meeting Rooms and Study Spaces

 Barrie Public Library, Meeting Rooms and Study SpacesBarrie 705-728-1010 Meeting Space Rentals are available at the Barrie Public Library Downtown branch and at the Barrie Public Library Painswick branch. Downtown branch: 60 Worsley St. Angus Ross Program Room   * ca ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Sports Dome

Map RecordBarrie Sports DomeBarrie 705-728-8030 Privately owned facility is a joint venture with the City of Barrie * includes two artificial turf playing fields * includes two golf driving ranges and putting green * offers indoor golf lessons and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Facilities and Venues

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Facilities and VenuesBarrie 705-739-4223, Recreation and Culture Services Department Community halls, meeting rooms, pools, fitness centres, arenas and theatres serve a variery of recreational acitvities and can be rented for private functions For Pool, Gymnasium, Hall, Ice Rink Faci ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Recreation Programs

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Recreation ProgramsBarrie 705-739-4223, Inclement Weather Hotline 705-739-4215 Organizes and runs recreational programs for the City of Barrie, including general interest, fitness and aquatic programs for all ages, as well as summer and school break day camps for children and p ... [More]

Map RecordBradford West Gwillimbury Public Library

Map RecordBradford West Gwillimbury Public LibraryBradford West Gwillimbury 905-775-3328 ext 6109, Information Services ; 905-775-3328 ext 6100, Borrower's Services Library offering a community gathering place providing access to knowledge, ideas, and cultural experiences. The library provides: * Material and assistance, informational, cultural and recreational ... [More]

Map RecordBreaking Down Barriers, Independent Living Resource Centre, Online, Connecting With Seniors

Map RecordBreaking Down Barriers, Independent Living Resource Centre, Online, Connecting With SeniorsCollingwood 705-888-8333 Offers an hour long monthly hybrid program on Zoom for seniors offering a variety of topics from health and wellness, safety tips, community resources, arts, crafts and games, music, cooking recipes, ... [More]

Map RecordCamphill Communities Ontario, Angus, Novalis Hall Meeting Facility

Map RecordCamphill Communities Ontario, Angus, Novalis Hall Meeting FacilityAngus 705-424-5363 ext 221 Novalis Hall is a community centre at Camphill Nottawasaga, 5 minutes south of Angus * hall is available for rent for concerts, theatre productions, workshops, weddings and corporate events Check the ... [More]

Map RecordDrysdale's Tree Farm

Map RecordDrysdale's Tree FarmEssa 705-424-9719 Tree Nursery and Landscaping Company offering outdoor family events, Banquet and Wedding Facilities, Christmas trees and Evergreen Store with gifts and collectibles Weekend Christmas Festivities - ( ... [More]

Map RecordFerndale Banquet Hall and Catering

Map RecordFerndale Banquet Hall and CateringBarrie 705-721-4255 Call or Text Banquet hall * capacity 325 * available for weddings, banquets, celebrations of life, engagement parties, meetings * renters use hall's catering * fully licensed for liquor * podium, dance floor, air ... [More]

Map RecordGeorgian Bay Native Friendship Centre, Indigenous Court Worker

Map RecordGeorgian Bay Native Friendship Centre, Indigenous Court WorkerMidland 705-526-5589 Indigenous Court workers provide support and assistance to ensure individuals and families understand the rights, options and responsibilities if they are involved in legal procedures.

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Room E100, Conference and Event Services

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Room E100, Conference and Event ServicesBarrie 705-722-5120 Year Round Conference and Event Services * May- August Affordable Summer Accommodation- two bedroom suite style accommodation available for individuals and groups up to 500 people * onsite fully AV eq ... [More]

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Room E100, Georgian Dining Room

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg E - Room E100, Georgian Dining RoomBarrie 705-722-5142 Open for lunch and dinner services (times will vary depending on college semester) * available for corporate, private and special events, including weddings * 140 guest capacity, licensed dining room, ... [More]

Map RecordGrace United Church, Barrie, Meeting Facilities

Map RecordGrace United Church, Barrie, Meeting FacilitiesBarrie 705-734-0760 Available for rent * two halls, each one with kitchen facilities; one with a capacity of approximately 110 and another with a capacity of approximately 50 * meeting room capacity 12-15 * church sanct ... [More]

Map RecordHardwood Ski and Bike

Map RecordHardwood Ski and BikeOro-Medonte 705-487-3775 Cross country ski and snowshoeing area in winter and mountain biking and disc golf centre in spring, summer, and fall. Ski and bike shop sells clothing, equipment and accessories. Winter season offer ... [More]

Map RecordHorseshoe Resort

Map RecordHorseshoe ResortOro-Medonte 705-835-2790 Four season destination for outdoor activities * Resort includes renovated guest suites & conference facilities, meeting space, wedding venue, indoor pool and restaurants * Winter activities incl ... [More]

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Cookstown Branch

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Cookstown BranchInnisfil 705-431-7410 Offers: * large collection of books, including large print books, magazines * DVDs, Blu-rays, audio books, video games, internet terminals and wireless (wi-fi) * computer training lab * children's pr ... [More]

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Lakeshore Branch

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Lakeshore BranchInnisfil 705-431-7410 Offers: * large collection of books, including large print books, magazines * DVDs, Blu-rays, audio books, video games, internet terminals and wireless (wi-fi) * computer training lab * children's pr ... [More]

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Stroud Branch

Map RecordInnisfil ideaLAB & Library, Stroud BranchInnisfil 705-431-7410 Offers: * large collection of books, including large print books, magazines * DVDs, Blu-rays, audio books, video games, internet terminals and wireless (wi-fi) * computer training lab * children's pr ... [More]

Map RecordKempenfelt Bay School, Facility Rentals

Map RecordKempenfelt Bay School, Facility RentalsInnisfil 705-739-4731 Classrooms available for rent     No smoking, no liquor, no storage space, free parking

Map RecordKnights of Columbus, Barrie, Columbus Hall Barrie

Map RecordKnights of Columbus, Barrie, Columbus Hall BarrieBarrie 705-728-1641, Ext 1 Suitable for business meetings, weddings, parties, seminars, banquets, family gatherings * capacity 125 for dining and 150 for theater style setups * board room capacity 15 * kitchen facilities avail ... [More]

Map RecordLa Clé, 70 Madelaine Dr - Barrie, Centre pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va - Barrie

Map RecordLa Clé, 70 Madelaine Dr - Barrie, Centre pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va - BarrieBarrie 705-725-9755 Centre offers free Francophone drop-in programs for caregivers and children from birth to 6 years old to connect with other families. Activities include: * reading * storytelling * sing-alongs * games ... [More]

Map RecordLiberty North, Conference, Banquet, Event Space

Map RecordLiberty North, Conference, Banquet, Event SpaceBarrie 705-728-3877 10.000 square feet facility with a capacity of 500 people * available for meetings, conferences, galas and banquets * catering provided

Map RecordLife Church Barrie, Meeting Facilities

Map RecordLife Church Barrie, Meeting FacilitiesBarrie 705-730-7885 Available for rental to community groups * capacity 50-400 * kitchen facilities * two projector screens * data projector in large room * digital sound projector and video recording equipment availabl ... [More]

Map RecordLion's Gate Banquet Centre

Map RecordLion's Gate Banquet CentreBarrie Casal Catering: 705-735-2727  Large, private venue for hosting special events in Barrie * Available for business seminars, general meetings, banquets, wedding ceremonies and receptions * capacity 200 * liquor licence and ca ... [More]

Map RecordMacLaren Art Centre

Map RecordMacLaren Art CentreBarrie 705-721-9696 Regional public art gallery serving the residents of Barrie, Simcoe County and the surrounding area * includes multiple exhibition galleries, an education centre, a sculpture courtyard and a Gallery ... [More]

Map RecordMountain Equipment Company

Map RecordMountain Equipment CompanyBarrie 705-792-4675 Retail store specializing in outdoor equipment for purchase  * Meeting room for small groups available to local outdoor clubs that have similar mandate as MEC at no charge * meeting room has aud ... [More]

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Alliston, Memorial Branch

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Alliston, Memorial BranchNew Tecumseth 705-435-5651 Public library, information and resource centre: * books * periodicals * DVDs, videos and CDs * large print collection * audio books * Statistics Canada reference material * local history reference ma ... [More]

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Beeton, DA Jones Branch

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Beeton, DA Jones BranchNew Tecumseth 905-729-3726 Public library, information and resource centre: * books * periodicals * DVDs, videos and CDs * large print collection * audio books * Statistics Canada reference material * local history reference ma ... [More]

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Tottenham, Pam Kirkpatrick Branch

Map RecordNew Tecumseth Public Library, Tottenham, Pam Kirkpatrick BranchNew Tecumseth 905-936-2291 Public library, information and resource centre: * books * periodicals * DVDs * large print collection * audio books * Statistics Canada reference material * local history reference material * photoco ... [More]

Map RecordNorthwest Barrie United Church, Meeting Facilities

Map RecordNorthwest Barrie United Church, Meeting FacilitiesBarrie 705-734-3700 Three rooms and worship space available: * main hall, capacity 180 with kitchen facilities * meeting room (second floor), capacity 110 with chairs only, 40 with tables and chairs * meeting room (main ... [More]

Map RecordNottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Tiffin Centre for Conservation

Map RecordNottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Tiffin Centre for ConservationUtopia 705-424-1479 Offers recreational opportunities for the public, including: * hiking * snowshoeing & cross-country skiing (ungroomed trails) * environmental education programs for school and youth groups (field trip ... [More]

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Barrie, Ontario Travel Information Centre - Meeting Rooms

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Barrie, Ontario Travel Information Centre - Meeting RoomsBarrie 705-725-7280 Two meeting rooms, one for 10 people, the other for 14 to 16 people, available free to nonprofit groups during the day * no photocopying services, food services or audio visual equipment available * ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia and District Agricultural Society, Severn

Map RecordOrillia and District Agricultural Society, SevernSevern 705-325-0353 Home of the Orillia Fall Fair, The Roller Skating Place, The Orillia Fairgrounds Farmers Market, Severn Winterfest

Map RecordOrillia Museum of Art and History (The)

Map RecordOrillia Museum of Art and History (The)Orillia 705-326-2159 Community museum offering: * Changing exhibitions throughout the year * Includes fine arts and Orillia's historical development * Works from the museum's collections and those on loan by local artists ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro Station, Oro Station Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro Station, Oro Station Community HallOro Station   Facility rentals for small wedding receptions and family reunions * capacity 95 * kitchen facilities available * renters must obtain own liquor license * no storage space * free parking * not on bus ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 1911 Old Barrie Rd, Rugby Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 1911 Old Barrie Rd, Rugby Community HallOro-Medonte   Community hall available for rentals * capacity - non fixed seating 100 * capacity - fixed seating 82 * alcohol free facility * call or email for details

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Hawkestone, Hawkestone Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Hawkestone, Hawkestone Community HallOro-Medonte   Rental facility including: * a banquet hall with seating capacity for 100 * kitchen available for rental, kitchen is a warming/catering kitchen as opposed to a full kitchen, call for more information ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 1167 Old Barrie Rd W, Edgar Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 1167 Old Barrie Rd W, Edgar Community HallOro-Medonte   Community centre with rental space available for: * Hall is 972 square feet * small wedding receptions and family reunions * Kitchen facilities for food preparation and serving ONLY * Facility capaci ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 396 Warminster Side Rd, Carley Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 396 Warminster Side Rd, Carley Community HallOro-Medonte   Carley Community Hall is a one room school house that was built in 1912 available for rentals and community events * Hall is approximately 700 square feet * rentals for small wedding receptions, fami ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 73 Eady Station Rd, Eady Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 73 Eady Station Rd, Eady Community HallSevern   Community Centre with rental space available: * Main level of Hall 1,876 square feet * rentals for wedding receptions, anniversaries, banquets * air-conditioned building * accessible washrooms on bot ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 837 Horseshoe Valley Rd E, Jarratt Community Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - 837 Horseshoe Valley Rd E, Jarratt Community HallOro-Medonte   Community centre with rental space available * small wedding receptions, family reunions, baby shower, birthday parties * Kitchen on lower level for food preparation and serving ONLY * washrooms on t ... [More]

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - Line 4, Arena & Community Banquet Hall

Map RecordOro-Medonte Township, Oro-Medonte - Line 4, Arena & Community Banquet HallOro-Medonte 705-487-2171 Arena capacity: 400 on floor surface * Ice available Sep-Apr * Public skating Oct-Apr * Concession stand open during ice season, available for catering hall events * Available for rental during non-i ... [More]

Map RecordPolish Alliance of Canada Branch 43 Barrie - Angus, Barrie, Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall

Map RecordPolish Alliance of Canada Branch 43 Barrie - Angus, Barrie, Meeting Facilities, Banquet HallSpringwater   Meeting Facility, Banquet Hall * Capacity 100 * events can be licensed for beer and wine * low platform * storage space available * renters can supply own catering * not on bus route ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Banquet Hall

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Banquet HallBarrie 705-728-1412 Banquet and Meeting Facilities available for weddings, meetings, birthday and/or retirement parties * BANQUET HALL (upstairs) capacity 200 for a meal, 175 for dinner and dance * SENATORS ROOM (upstai ... [More]

Map RecordSandbox Centre, Barrie

Map RecordSandbox Centre, BarrieBarrie 705-503-6600 Business hub * a space for all businesses and people who want to start a business * connects people and their ideas to business resources * work with entrepreneurs and innovators at any stage of busi ... [More]

Map RecordShak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Facility Rentals

Map RecordShak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Facility RentalsBarrie 705-252-0175 Gymnasium, kitchen, youth room and mentorship class room for hosting birthday party and other celebrations  * call for more information about size of rooms and kitchen facilities * No smoking, n ... [More]

Map RecordShak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Youth Programs

Map RecordShak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Youth ProgramsBarrie 705-252-0175 Community Centre for youth between the ages of 7-17 yrs * Offers registered and drop-in programs and activities including Basketball, Home Alone Course, Babysitting Course, Drumming, Chess Club, Cook ... [More]

Map RecordSheba Shrine Club of Barrie, Sheba Shrine Club and Traditions Banquet Hall

Map RecordSheba Shrine Club of Barrie, Sheba Shrine Club and Traditions Banquet HallBarrie 705-726-5555 Fraternal organization, sponsors the Shriners Hospitals for Children Traditions Banquet Hall * Upper Hall - capacity 200 (seated) * Lower Hall - capacity 40-50 (seated) 80 (standing) * must use the C ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Education Centre - Midhurst, Classroom Meeting Facilities

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Education Centre - Midhurst, Classroom Meeting FacilitiesMidhurst 705-728-7570 Applications must be submitted online at the website listed above * Application will be processed by Permit office Permit Office does all bookings for classroom meeting facilities * gymnasiums * at al ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Education Centre - Midhurst, Community Use of Schools, Meeting Facilities

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Education Centre - Midhurst, Community Use of Schools, Meeting FacilitiesMidhurst 705-734-6363 Through our Community Use of Schools program, almost all of our school spaces are available outside of school hours for not-for-profit community groups. Our gyms, fields, auditoriums and classrooms ar ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, Barrie - Alliance Blvd, Community Use of Schools

Map RecordSimcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, Barrie - Alliance Blvd, Community Use of SchoolsBarrie 705-722-3555 Through the Community Use program, almost all of our classrooms and gymnasiums are available outside of school hours to permit to community groups, including weekends * a list of all SMCDSB schools, ... [More]

Map RecordSki Snow Valley, Facility and Room Rentals

Map RecordSki Snow Valley, Facility and Room RentalsSpringwater 705-721-7669 Facility suitable for business meetings, weddings and banquets * Day Lodge building available with seating for up to 400 * Main Chalet has three rooms available for small groups and larger ones up to ... [More]

Map RecordSpringwater Township, Grenfel Community Hall, Recreation Services - Grenfel Community Hall

Map RecordSpringwater Township, Grenfel Community Hall, Recreation Services - Grenfel Community HallMinesing 705-728-4784 Capacity 60 in main hall * space also available downstairs * kitchen facilities available * renters must supply own catering and obtain own liquor license * stage * no storage space * free parking * n ... [More]

Map RecordSpringwater Township, Midhurst Community Centre, Midhurst Community Centre - Meeting Facilities

Map RecordSpringwater Township, Midhurst Community Centre, Midhurst Community Centre - Meeting FacilitiesMidhurst 705-728-4784 ext 2036 Two rental spaces * downstairs hall capacity 78 with tables; upstairs hall capacity is 130 * kitchen facilities available * renter must bring in own food and obtain own liquor licence * storage space ... [More]

Map RecordSt Thomas Anglican Church, Shanty Bay

Map RecordSt Thomas Anglican Church, Shanty Bay  705-722-7111 Anglican Church * holds Sunday services and other programs * holds Vacation Bible School in July * runs the Christmas Market in the Village event (formerly Oro-Medonte Artisans Christmas Tour) an Annu ... [More]

Map RecordSuiteWorks Business Centres

Map RecordSuiteWorks Business CentresBarrie 705-719-7976 Co-working, virtual, full-time, part-time and drop-in office spaces with flexible month to month term * 24/7 access and meeting facilities from 1-18 people with flexible configurations for all meetin ... [More]

Map RecordThe Common Roof, Barrie, The Common Roof (Barrie)

Map RecordThe Common Roof, Barrie, The Common Roof (Barrie)Barrie 705-259-7663 New Path Foundation operates as the common roof, a collaborative, community-based social enterprise where not-for-profits come together, in a common space, to best serve their clients Through a socia ... [More]

Map RecordUnity Christian High School, Meeting Facilities/Performing Arts Facilities

Map RecordUnity Christian High School, Meeting Facilities/Performing Arts FacilitiesBarrie 705-792-6915 Small theatre and meeting spaces available for rent, theatre seats 150-200 people

Map RecordWestminster Presbyterian Church, Barrie, Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall

Map RecordWestminster Presbyterian Church, Barrie, Meeting Facilities, Banquet HallBarrie 705-728-0541 Fellowship hall (Church hall) and full kitchen as well as two meeting rooms available * Church Hall capacity 179 for meeting, 152 for dining * Resource Room/Library capacity 8-10 * Colvin Room capaci ... [More]

Map RecordWoods Park Care Centre, Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall, Chapel

Map RecordWoods Park Care Centre, Meeting Facilities, Banquet Hall, ChapelBarrie 705-739-6881 Facilities available for rent include: * CHAPEL approximately 1000 square feet, capacity 60 * COMMUNITY ROOM approximately 2250 square feet, capacity 150 * catering services available * not on bus ro ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.