Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 8 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBrain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe, Barrie Office

Map RecordBrain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe, Barrie OfficeBarrie 705-734-2178 Community based support to individuals and their families who are living with the ongoing effects of an acquired brain injury (ABI) * rehabilitation services are based on each person's specific needs ... [More]

Map RecordBrain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe, Muskoka Office

Map RecordBrain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe, Muskoka OfficeGravenhurst 705-734-2178 Community based support to individuals and their families who are living with the ongoing effects of an acquired brain injury (ABI) * rehabilitation services are based on each person's specific needs ... [More]

Map RecordCentral East Stroke Network, Barrie

Map RecordCentral East Stroke Network, BarrieBarrie 705-728-9090 ext 46311, 705-728-9090 ext 46320 One of 11 regional systems established to implement the Ontario Stroke System * goal is to improve access to evidence-based prevention and care in order to reduce stroke incidence, mortality and resid ... [More]

Map RecordDynamic Neurophysiotherapy, Mobile Service, Mobile Physiotherapy

Map RecordDynamic Neurophysiotherapy, Mobile Service, Mobile PhysiotherapyBarrie 705-984-4530 Provide In-home neurological physiotherapy services for: * Spinal Cord Injuries * Neurological Rehabilitation * Stroke Recovery Therapy * Multiple Sclerosis (MS) * Brain Injury Treatment * Dizziness/V ... [More]

Map RecordHeart and Stroke, Mailing Address

Map RecordHeart and Stroke, Mailing AddressToronto Resuscitation Support Centre: 1-877-473-0333 Raises funds for research and education to reduce death and disability from heart disease and stroke * runs fundraising year round * February is Heart Month and June is Stroke Month * callers can use ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - 1st Floor, Medicine Treatment Clinics

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr - 1st Floor, Medicine Treatment ClinicsBarrie 705-728-9090 ext 23330 Provides inter-professional assessment, counselling and education introducing tools and skills for adults to self-manage their chronic disease * clinics include Asthma Clinic, Adult Diabetes Educatio ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Outpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Clinics

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - 201 Georgian Dr, Outpatient Rehabilitation Treatment ClinicsBarrie 705-739-5602, Automated Attendant: 705-728-9090 Ext 47310 Adult Outpatient Treatment at Physiotherapy and Hand Therapy Clinics, Swallowing Clinic, & Rehabilitation Day Program * Rehabilitation Day Program is for patients with a stroke within the last 3 mont ... [More]

Map RecordStroke Recovery Association Barrie and District

Map RecordStroke Recovery Association Barrie and DistrictBarrie 705-737-9202 Community-based support group focused on providing programs and encouragement for people who have suffered a stroke Activities include: * chair exercises * pool program * social programs * monthly me ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.