Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 9 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Community Breakfast Program

Map RecordBarrie Community Breakfast ProgramBarrie No public telephone number Free breakfast Monday to Sunday in downtown Barrie * Community breakfast hosted at two local churches * Food provided and served by volunteers from area churches and other organizations * Breakfast l ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Barrie - 189 Blake St, 55+ Outreach Program

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Barrie - 189 Blake St, 55+ Outreach ProgramBarrie 705-737-0755 Outreach Program is not operating at this time, no new date for its return is set. For information call 705-737-0755 or visit Recreation Programs - 55+ for updates Program offers support to older adu ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Barrie - Bayview Dr, Summer BBQs

Map RecordBarrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Barrie - Bayview Dr, Summer BBQsBarrie 705-728-6332, Allandale 55+ Centre BBQs are offered in July and August, call 705-728-6332 for ticket details

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka Branch

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka BranchBarrie 705-721-3313 Help people and communities in Canada and around the world in times of need and support them in strengthening their resilience. Services provided by Simcoe Muskoka branch include: * International Rel ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka Branch, Meals on Wheels

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross - Simcoe Muskoka, Simcoe Muskoka Branch, Meals on WheelsBarrie 705-721-3313, ext 2 Hot Meals, ext 3 Frozen Meals Delivers nutritious hot and frozen meals on a regular or temporary basis to older adults and persons with disabilities who are unable to manage their own food preparation * dietary staff supervises fo ... [More]

Map RecordHeart to Home Meals

Map RecordHeart to Home MealsCollingwood 705-444-0741 Home delivery service for frozen, nutritionally balanced meals for seniors or anyone requiring meals delivered to their home. Menu has over 200 choices including soups, meals and desserts. Can cater t ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Royal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147, Royal Canadian Legion, Barrie Branch 147Barrie 705-728-1412, Entertainment Line: 705-315-0032; Bar: 705-728-4002 Veterans Club , open to the general public * includes social activities such as mixed darts and euchre as well as musical entertainment and performances * affordable lunches offered every Tue-Thu * F ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Lillian Cres, Community Fellowship Cafe

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Lillian Cres, Community Fellowship CafeBarrie 705-737-3102 A time to meet new people, socialize and enjoy a hot meal.

Map RecordUnited Way Simcoe Muskoka, Eat Well to Excel - North Simcoe & South Simcoe

Map RecordUnited Way Simcoe Muskoka, Eat Well to Excel - North Simcoe & South SimcoeMidland 705-795-7127 A non-profit organization that supports volunteer run breakfast, morning meal, lunch and/or snack programs to children and youth, in over 185 schools in Simcoe County, to support their learning and he ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.