Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Extreme Heat Cooling Programs

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 10 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Public Library, Barrie - 48 Dean Ave, Painswick Branch

Map RecordBarrie Public Library, Barrie - 48 Dean Ave, Painswick BranchBarrie 705-728-1010 Resources/Services include: * books, magazines, compact discs, newspapers, DVDs, Electronic books, downloadable resources, public computers, wireless internet, wireless printing, and Maker Space * on ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Public Library, Barrie - 60 Worsley St, Downtown Branch

Map RecordBarrie Public Library, Barrie - 60 Worsley St, Downtown BranchBarrie 705-728-1010 Provides informational, recreational and cultural resources for all ages Resources/Services include: * books, magazines, compact discs, newspapers, DVDs, Electronic books, downloadable resources, pub ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, No physical address, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather Relief

Map RecordBarrie. Municipal Office, No physical address, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather ReliefBarrie 705-726-4242, Service Barrie When Environment Canada issues an extreme heat or cold alert, rest areas are available to residents for relief from extreme weather conditions. These can include public buildings such as libraries or ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In Services

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In ServicesBarrie 705-739-6916 Staff available to assist with: * bag lunch or emergency grocery bag - provided between 12pm-1pm * Hot Meal at dinner time - Daily 5pm-6pm * Case Management Support * hygiene supplies and seasonal cl ... [More]

Map RecordCollingwood Public Library

Map RecordCollingwood Public LibraryCollingwood 705-445-1571 Provides comfortable reading spaces, public computer stations, wireless internet access and meeting rooms equipped with presentation equipment, and a gathering place for the community. Collections inc ... [More]

Map RecordMidland Public Library

Map RecordMidland Public LibraryMidland 705-526-4216, Main Line Offers resources and programs including: * books, e-books, directories, magazines, newspapers * on-line access to catalogue for book reservation and renewal * college and university calendars * compa ... [More]

Map RecordPenetanguishene Public Library

Map RecordPenetanguishene Public LibraryPenetanguishene 705-549-7164 Public library offering: * photocopying * summer reading program for children * various children's programs are offered throughout the year * celebration of Ontario Library Week in October * computer ... [More]

Map RecordTay, Township of, Port McNicoll Library Branch, Public Library, Port McNicoll Branch

Map RecordTay, Township of, Port McNicoll Library Branch, Public Library, Port McNicoll BranchTay 705-534-3511 A public library offering: * books, magazines, compact discs, dvds, newspapers * inter-library loan service * photocopying, fax receiving and sending * wi-fi internet access * access to numerous webs ... [More]

Map RecordTay, Township of, Waubaushene Library Branch, Public Library, Waubaushene Branch

Map RecordTay, Township of, Waubaushene Library Branch, Public Library, Waubaushene BranchTay 705-538-1122 Public library offering: * books, magazines, newspapers, books on tape, downloadable books, compact discs, mediaplayers, dvds and electronic games * inter-library loan service * wireless internet acce ... [More]

Map RecordYMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Innisfil - Yonge St, Innisfil YMCA

Map RecordYMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Innisfil - Yonge St, Innisfil YMCAInnisfil 705-431-9622 Recreational, fitness and non-physical programs for all ages including: * Senior Wellness programs * family swim programs * preschool programs * orientations to fitness * adult and youth fitness class ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.