Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

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There are 41 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBarrie Families Unite, Community Essential Needs Fulfilment Program

Map RecordBarrie Families Unite, Community Essential Needs Fulfilment ProgramBarrie 705-300-5515 Provides clothing, household items, medical aid devices and grocery gap (in between food Bank orders) to those in need * requests acknowledged within 24 hours via email and/or phone call * 48-72 hour ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank

Map RecordBarrie Food BankBarrie 705-725-1818 Food Services available: * Monthly Grocery Shop for eligible individuals. Canned goods, dairy, produce, and meat. Quantities available are based on the number of individuals in the household and the ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Burton Avenue United Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Burton Avenue United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Collier St United Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Collier St United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Grace United Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Grace United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7 The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Barrie Food Bank, Northwest Barrie United Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

 Barrie Food Bank, Northwest Barrie United Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, St. Margaret's of Scotland Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, St. Margaret's of Scotland Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Trinity Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Trinity Anglican Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Westside Evangelical Lutheran Church, Barrie's Little Food Pantries

Map RecordBarrie Food Bank, Westside Evangelical Lutheran Church, Barrie's Little Food PantriesBarrie 705-725-1818, Barrie Food Bank Anyone needing food is encouraged to take what they need. A collaboration with local organizations to provide access to food 24/7. The pantries are stocked by the host organization, the community and ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In Services

Map RecordBusby Centre, Barrie - 88 Mulcaster St, Drop In ServicesBarrie 705-739-6916 Staff available to assist with: * bag lunch or emergency grocery bag - provided between 12pm-1pm * Hot Meal at dinner time - Daily 5pm-6pm * Case Management Support * hygiene supplies and seasonal cl ... [More]

Map RecordBusby Centre, South Georgian Bay, Emergency Respite Shelter

Map RecordBusby Centre, South Georgian Bay, Emergency Respite ShelterCollingwood 705-606-6589 ; Central Intake for Temporary Shelter:: 705-828-3795 Provides night to night emergency respite shelter, breakfast and evening meal * provides accommodation for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, connections to housing and community sup ... [More]

Map RecordCNIB Foundation [Central East], Barrie, Nanji Family Foundation Smartlife Centre and Community Hub

Map RecordCNIB Foundation [Central East], Barrie, Nanji Family Foundation Smartlife Centre and Community HubBarrie   Provides programs and services that focus on meeting the social and emotional needs of people living with vision loss to enhance their independence and to be the leader in promoting vision health * n ... [More]

Map RecordComfort Stitchers

Map RecordComfort StitchersBarrie 705-707-1110 Community group of knitters, crocheters, sewers, and quilters that create gifts for people in local long-term care, including fidget mats and muffs, for those with Alzheimer's and Dementia. Seeking k ... [More]

Map RecordCornerstone to Recovery, Women's Residential Addictions Facility

Map RecordCornerstone to Recovery, Women's Residential Addictions FacilityBarrie Head Office: 905-762-1551 Offers a three month abstinence based residential program: * access to individual, group, and family counselling sessions * daily 12 step meetings and a sponsor to guide you through the steps * enhan ... [More]

Map RecordDress for Success, Orillia

Map RecordDress for Success, OrilliaOrillia 705-259-8200 Program to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life, services include: ... [More]

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, Barrie

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, BarrieBarrie 705-739-7280, Call or Text Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian Bay

Map RecordEnvisage Pregnancy Services, South Georgian BayCollingwood 705-293-5000, 705-739-7280 (Call or Text) Christian organization providing information and emotional support for people facing an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges, all services free and confidential Services include: * pr ... [More]

Map RecordFirebird Community Cycle

Map RecordFirebird Community CycleBarrie No public telephone number Do-it-yourself bike shop and recycle depot * promotes bicycle education and culture through sustainable and accessible rebuilding, reusing, recycling and redistribution of bicycle products * learn to ... [More]

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical Address

Map RecordGlowing Hearts Charity, No Physical AddressBarrie 249-888-6695 A grassroots, volunteer-led, charitable organization working to disrupt the cycle of poverty by providing programs that reduce barriers and support the mental health, growth, and development of schoo ... [More]

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Huronia, Barrie, ReStore, Barrie

Map RecordHabitat for Humanity Huronia, Barrie, ReStore, BarrieBarrie   ReStore sells new and used donated building materials, furniture, and decor, including: * doors, windows, kitchen and vanity cupboards, clean tubs, showers, sinks, toilets and taps, clean lumber, ele ... [More]

Map RecordHelping Hands for the Homeless

Map RecordHelping Hands for the HomelessBarrie No public telephone number Assembles and delivers basic necessity packages to homeless people in Barrie * Accepts donations of basic necessities such as: * hats, mittens, socks, scarves, warm clothes and toiletries, knapsacks a ... [More]

Map RecordIndependent Living Services Simcoe County, Barrie

Map RecordIndependent Living Services Simcoe County, BarrieBarrie 705-737-3263 Assists adults and seniors, with physical disabilities or limitations, in Simcoe County and area, to live independently Services include: * Personal Support * Assisted Living Support * Homemaking * H ... [More]

Map RecordKidney Foundation of Canada, Barrie, Kidney Clothes Program

Map RecordKidney Foundation of Canada, Barrie, Kidney Clothes ProgramBarrie 705-733-5250 Collect donations of reusableclothing, accessories, bedding, books, dishes, small appliances, and more! Click here for a complete list. * do not drop off donations at office outside of Mon-Fri 9 am-4 ... [More]

Kidney Foundation of Canada, Kidney Car Program

 Kidney Foundation of Canada, Kidney Car ProgramOttawa   Assistance line for people wanting to donate an old car or truck * free towing of given vehicles * tax receipt given to donors * donors are called back withing 24 hours in order to schedule pick up * ... [More]

Map RecordKids Up Front Foundation

Map RecordKids Up Front FoundationToronto 416-479-6710 Provides access to arts, culture, sports and recreation for kids who otherwise do not have the opportunity * donate tickets to Kids Up Front if you are not able to use them and they will distribute t ... [More]

Map RecordLenscrafters, Barrie, One Sight Program

Map RecordLenscrafters, Barrie, One Sight ProgramBarrie 705-725-8006 Program provides comprehensive eye exams, vision care, and customized prescription glasses to people in need throughout the world * financial donations help to provide eye examinations and glasses for ... [More]

Map RecordPrecious Paws Rescue

Map RecordPrecious Paws RescueOro-Medonte 705-252-1754 All-breed dog rescue based in Simcoe County. * dedicated to saving lives of homeless pets by rescuing from pounds and shelters across North America * dogs stay in private foster homes until adopted ou ... [More]

Map RecordProm Glitz, Barrie

Map RecordProm Glitz, BarrieBarrie No public telephone number Organization makes attending Grade 12 Prom and Grade 8 Graduation affordable by providing donated gowns to students needing support * Prom Glitz is run by volunteers to assist students find their per ... [More]

Map RecordQuota International of Barrie

Map RecordQuota International of BarrieBarrie   Increase public awareness of issues facing deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired people and assist disadvantaged women and children * group is involved in a variety of service projects, fundraisi ... [More]

Map RecordRedwood Park Communities, Barrie, Furniture Bank

Map RecordRedwood Park Communities, Barrie, Furniture BankBarrie 705-881-1890, Furniture Donation Pick-up: 705-410-3391 Provides gently-used home furnishings to eligible households. * accepts donations from the public, hotels, residences and furniture stores * donated items will be picked up for a fee * income tax rec ... [More]

Map RecordRyan's Hope, Mailing Address

Map RecordRyan's Hope, Mailing AddressBarrie No public phone number A grassroots volunteer-based organization that advocates for and supports people living with mental illness, substance abuse issues and experiencing homelessness. * Provides winter gear, clothing, to ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army, Midland - Balm Beach Rd, Thrift Store

Map RecordSalvation Army, Midland - Balm Beach Rd, Thrift StoreMidland 705-526-7312, Thrift Store Provides affordable access to clothing and household items (no furniture).

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Community and Family Services

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Bayfield St, Community and Family ServicesBarrie 705-728-3737 Back to Work Program * provides new or gently used work boots to individuals who have legitimate work offers (boots and sizes as available), call for information * usable work boots can be dropped of ... [More]

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Essa Rd, Thrift Store

Map RecordSalvation Army Barrie, Barrie - Essa Rd, Thrift StoreBarrie 705-728-3794 Offers budget clothing, and miscellaneous items for sale, does not sell any furniture in store * accepts donations of used clothing and household items in re-saleable condition * pickup or donations o ... [More]

Map RecordSamaritan House

Map RecordSamaritan HouseBarrie 705-791-7731 Transitional Housing: * Affordable, secure housing and support services for women and children who have been affected by domestic violence * Separate, fully furnished family apartments and shared ind ... [More]

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Orillia Learning Centre Campus, Winter Coat Drive

Map RecordSimcoe County District School Board, Orillia Learning Centre Campus, Winter Coat DriveOrillia 705-325-9279 ext 45600 13th Annual Winter Coat Drive: * donations of gently used winter coats, any size, can be dropped off during regular business hours. * coats are needed in all sizes (infant, child, teen and adult), bu ... [More]

Map RecordStreet Cats Rescue

Map RecordStreet Cats RescueBarrie No public telephone number Large network of foster homes and a small shelter facility that provides temporary care for abused, forgotten and neglected animals * No-Kill philosophy, staffed by volunteers * Cats/kittens availabl ... [More]

Map RecordUnited Way Simcoe Muskoka, Eat Well to Excel - North Simcoe & South Simcoe

Map RecordUnited Way Simcoe Muskoka, Eat Well to Excel - North Simcoe & South SimcoeMidland 705-795-7127 A non-profit organization that supports volunteer run breakfast, morning meal, lunch and/or snack programs to children and youth, in over 185 schools in Simcoe County, to support their learning and he ... [More]

Map RecordVolunteer Stitchers of Barrie

Map RecordVolunteer Stitchers of BarrieBarrie   Group who make items by hand for hospitals, nursing homes, the David Busby Street Centre, the Women and Children's Crisis Centre, Christmas Cheer. * includes knit, crochet, and quilted items * teach k ... [More]

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, Unpublished

Map RecordWomen and Children's Shelter of Barrie, UnpublishedBarrie 705-728-6300 Emergency residence with 27 beds for women and their children who are experiencing abuse in their significant relationships, residential services include: * Safe, temporary accommodation * Crisis tel ... [More]

Map RecordYouth Haven, Barrie, Youth Haven Emergency Shelter

Map RecordYouth Haven, Barrie, Youth Haven Emergency ShelterBarrie 705-739-7616, - accept collect calls At this time, shelter is open for youth that are currently living there. Crisis care facility offering: * emergency care housing, food and clothing * 19 beds * support in life skills development (dre ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.